Monday, April 4, 2016

Clotaire Rapaille

"One of my discoveries was that in order to create the first imprint of a word -- when you learn a word, whatever it is, "coffee," "love," "mother," there is always a first time. There's a first time to learn everything. The first time you understand, you imprint the meaning of this word; you create a mental connection that you're going to keep using the rest of your life. And to create this mental connection, you need some emotions. Without emotion, there is no production of neurotransmitters in the brain, and you don't create the connection. So actually every word has a mental highway. I call that a code, an unconscious code in the brain."

Clotaire Rapaille is a world renowned market research specialist that works with companies to uncover a culture specific "code" that is used to exploit the "reptilian" drives of consumers. 
I've been trudging through his  bestseller The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Live and Buy as they Do (2006). In it Rapaille explains his process of market research which is a little more thorough than normal market research sessions. Rapaille arranges a three hour long group interview that allows for people to relax and gradually reveal what emotions they have associated with certain products. The session is three hours long and is elaborated on in the video posted below. In the third hour people are guided into a relaxed state that Rapaille believes is similar to the state one is in when they first wake up. He believes that this state is beyond emotions and logic and is the reptilian understanding of people have to a product. This is where the code come from.



PBS interview with Coltaire Rapaille 

Michael Lopez

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